Orchids and Auroras
My social media feeds have turned pink and green. As many others did, I left the comfort of my warm bed on Friday night and travelled a short distance to avoid the glow of Norwich on the horizon. As I stepped out of the car I could see a pale misty band across the Northern sky and knew straight away the lights were beginning to show. I took a couple of test shots and there it was, a soft green light alive on my preview screen. It’s like suddenly discovering something hidden. To the naked eye merely a grey mist of light, but to my camera, green and glowing. I took photos and looked around, and as my eyes adjusted to the dark I could see deep pink and green to the West. In my excitement I knocked my focus off and took a few shots before I realised and had to refocus. I must remember to tape it down next time. (I hope there will be a next time!) Checking the previews the colours were amazing, and the lights swirled across the screen. As the display intensified, there was magenta to the East and as I turned South I was even more surprised to see a band of red in the sky. Photographing Aurora to the South! At it’s peak I was directly underneath, with the light dancing around me in great pillars connecting the night sky to the Earth. It was truly magical. As I stared upwards lost in awe, a Tawny owl called softly, bringing me back to my immediate surroundings. I must admit a prickle of fear as there was a great rustling in the hedgerow next to me, as some night animal went about it’s business. I spoke to it so it wouldn’t jump out and scare us both, and it moved off across the field squealing and grumbling, I guess it was a Muntjac, but I couldn’t see it!
Here’s how it began, looking North.

To the West, pillars of light, pink and green, absolutely stunning.

The view South was amazing too.

Looking East over the hedgerow.

Directly above.

I quite like this one with slightly more pastel tones,

That’s not the only reason things are pink and green for me at the moment, as I’ve also been photographing Green-winged orchids. Like a floral aurora, they are magenta with green stripes. This local meadow is a really beautiful place, and at this time of year the orchids carpet it with a sea of pink and purple. I visited one morning to capture the light and dew drops sparkling on these lovely flowers. With the birds in full song all around, it finally feels like spring is here, and summer is on its way!

I’ll be sharing more orchid photos on my social channels, so do check them out, and you can now subscribe to my blog updates using the form below!