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Bountiful berries
This year the local hedgerows are laden with berries, and we’ve had a sudden influx of Redwing. These pretty little birds, slightly smaller than a Song Thrush, with a handsome russet red flash under their wings migrate in from Scandinavia and Russia to spend the winter here. Last weekend they were busy feeding in the…
British Wildlife Centre – Part II
At the British Wildlife Centre, they have a fantastic walk through Red Squirrel enclosure, with very natural surroundings and tall birch trees. The 15 residents were busy sleeping in the afternoon heat, but this youngster decided to pose for a photo. They have a great range of native British species, including Water Voles. The final…
Winter Wonderland
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Pastures new, and old
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The Dawn Chorus
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Beautiful Bees
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Very topical. Glad you’ve got out (sort of) at last.
Thanks Rob, me too! 🙂