First signs of Spring
All has been rather quiet of late down on the Fen, no meaningful images in the last few weeks, which is somewhat disappointing. Yet there are the first subtle signs of spring all around. On my way there this morning a Skylark rises into the air on trembling wings, belting out his intricate song. On the Fen, a woodpecker drums and a Chaffinch’s song tumbles from the hedge. No deer around again today, and the Bearded tits are becoming ever more elusive. I hear them and catch a glimpse through the reeds, but that is all. Soon they’ll be moving off to their breeding grounds. There’s not much else around except for a Little Egret paddling amongst the flooded rushes, and the overwintering pair of Stonechat’s skip ahead of me along the path.
I couldn’t post a blog without a photo, so here’s a Snowdrop from the garden. The local verges are already twinkling with these little beauties, looks like spring is on it’s way.
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I don’t think it will be long coming but sometimes February & March still have a few surprises to throw at us. The birds are already showing signs that a new Spring is just round the corner.
We have some of these lovely little flowers underneath the living room window, they look so delicate and yet they still flower on the coldest of winter days even when there has been snow on the ground.