Small Coppers

Had another go with these teeny butterflies on my afternoon off last week. The light was much better, if a little harsh, and the butterflies were loving the warm sunshine.   I really wanted some side on views with their wings closed, but in the sun they normally rested with wings open, only flicking them…

Small Copper

Went out this weekend to a patch of heathland try and photograph these little beauties. The overcast weather seemed to make them not very obliging and it was difficult to get very close, so I opted for some ‘in habitat’ style shots, which I quite like. Not bad for a first go with these tiny…

On the Fen

Nice to get behind the lens again. Visited the Fen (Redgrave and Lopham Fen) this week. Lot’s of butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies about, as well as a couple of Kestrels, I had a lovely close encounter with one. Unfortunately I only had my macro lens with me! Here’s a slightly worn Speckled Wood butterfly. (With…


Not had much time for photography of late, which is a shame as there is so much to photograph! This interesting creature is a Forest Shieldbug, which hitched a ride on the outside of my car. When we arrived home he flew off onto the wooden fence, against which he was quite well camouflaged. I…


A few from the garden today. Decided to try a perch for the Robin and he/she took to it pretty much straight away. The Turtle dove did put in a brief appearance, but quickly wandered off over the other side of the lawn. These last two were a little too centrally composed, so I’ve cropped…

Practice Robin

Well the Robin is certainly giving me a lot of photography practice whilst waiting for the Turtle dove. The light was beautiful last night, I was set up ready and waiting, then came the purring Turtle dove song from the hedgerow… but of course he didn’t come down. I was out later yesterday evening, the…

Teased by the Turtle Dove

Well the last few days have been pretty frustrating. Attempting to get some more photos of the Turtle dove, but not doing very well! A mix of sunshine and showers have made for interesting and difficult lighting conditions. Here are a few that I’ve managed to process today, still got more to go through though….

Swallowtails and a surprise

Phew, what a day! Headed out to the Broads to try and find some Swallowtail butterflies, we found several on the wing, but they didn’t settle, and I was surprised to find a lack of flowers. We decided to go back to Strumpshaw for the afternoon. The place was alive with Swallowtails! We must have…

Turtle Dove

What an absolute privilege to have these birds visiting the garden. I can’t believe after all these years I’ve finally managed to get some photos of one! I decided this afternoon to try photographing them, but I didn’t hold out much hope as they are nervous birds. I settled down, lying on the lawn covered…