Dove Step

Happy New Year to you all! I just wanted to make you aware of a fantastic group of people, who will be walking 300 miles to raise money and awareness to save the Turtle Dove. A subject very close to my heart as regular readers will know. Turtle Doves had a terrible year last year,…


Back in the orchard again today… (Click images to view larger…) If you like what you see, please consider sharing!   Current favourite books, click for more info:

When is a weed…

…Not a weed? First you have to define what a weed is – my mother always told me a weed was just a plant in the wrong place. So here’s a pretty little plant, with interesting pink flowers and delicate grey green foliage, considered by many a weed, but well worth a place in my…

On Safari

The 4×4 bounces along the rough rutted track, rounding a corner we spot the herd. 150 animals strong, they move through the pale dry grass and dust drifts in the air as one individual shakes out its coat. Ear’s flick away flies, a mother calls gently to it’s calf, there’s a roar in the distance….

Where are they?

I was hoping for a Summer full of Turtle doves, but sightings have been few and far between. They are in real trouble, last years wet Summer meant a disastrous breeding season for them, and numbers are very low this year. Conservationists are concerned that this year could see the lowest numbers of Turtle doves…

Bee Kind

Usual Sunday morning chores interrupted today when I noticed a queen Buff-tailed Bumblebee sitting on the kitchen windowsill, she must have got stuck indoors the previous evening. She dived into the offered teaspoon of honey, allowing me a photo opportunity. Many people regard bees rather warily, but they are fascinating and important creatures. Bumblebee’s are…

Pastures new, and old

Forgive me friends, for my prolonged absence. I have been doing that most stressful of things – moving house. So here I am, all settled in, exploring pastures new. Newly located between numerous nature reserves, there’s plenty to see, but more on that at a later date. Back to pastures old, and my patch –…

They’re back!

Spring has finally sprung down on the Fen. As if someone has flicked a switch, the reedbed is full of birds singing. A Chiffchaff calls from the hedge, a tumble of notes come from an unseen Willow warbler, and the Reed buntings chirp out their simple song from the still frosty reeds. I suddenly hear…