The Dawn Chorus
I got up this Sunday morning early enough to hear the start of the dawn chorus. The Song Thrush began, backed by the local Blackbirds, then Robins and Wrens. A Blue tit joins in with a simple trill, and a Woodpigeon adds his two penny worth too. Their voices merge into a wall of beautiful sound. The effect from my elevated position was that of a crescendo of bird song drifting up to the sky.
Down on the fen, the Cuckoo was in full voice, in the still, cool morning air his song echoed across the reserve. A flurry of silvery notes come from one of my favourite songsters, the Blackcap, and a scratchy buzz followed by a fluty warble gives away a Sedge Warbler’s position in the reeds.
Whilst there, I also managed to film a Cuckoo singing, take a look here: Cuckoo Singing
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Lovely. I am very fortunate that in being a bad sleeper I hear the dawn chorus every morning. It starts here at about 4.30am (because of the street light I think) and although it is beautiful it is not as exciting as yours. We had a smashing afternoon today at RSPB Lakenheath. They have a new viewpoint and they have been considerate in putting a disabled parking space quite near it so there is only about 30m to walk. We saw 4 Hobbys (together), a nesting pair of Marsh Harriers, Whitethroat (my first), Bitterns Booming & Cuckoos Cuckooing. See you tomorrow. Hope you’re feeling better?
Lovely description of the Dawn Chorus. I have never actually seen a cuckoo before although we are hearing one quite frequently. In April, come he will, in May sing all day, in June changes tune and in July prepares to fly, then in August go he must!