Beautiful Bees
The warm June breeze gently stirs the long grass, and shivers softly through the leaves of the apple tree behind me. Peace rests lightly across the lush garden, and a male Blackbird flutes his signature melody into the clear air. He is perched above where I’m sitting, sharing space together as I wait for the light, and he waits for a reply. A shaft of warm evening sun is slowly swinging towards my subject, which at first glance appears to be a large and exotic looking bumblebee, painted burgandy and gold, with pale wings stretched out either side, balanced on a bright green stem. It’s not an insect though, it’s an orchid. Named for its flowers remarkable resemblance to a bee – the Bee Orchid.
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Beautiful words matching a gorgeous picture. Shared on Facebook & Twitter. Rob Mellowship.
Thanks Rob, much appreciated!
I echo Rob’s comment. It must be nice to live with a garden like that
Thanks David!