Winter Wanders

Winter Wanders

Winter is a great time for photography, the late sunrise and soft light, and crisp frosty mornings can make for picturesque images. Even on grey days there can be opportunites. I headed over to Cambridgeshire to WWT Welney, a location I’ve not been to for some time. Two magnificent Short-eared owls were hunting over the…

Orchids and Auroras

Orchids and Auroras

My social media feeds have turned pink and green. As many others did, I left the comfort of my warm bed on Friday night and travelled a short distance to avoid the glow of Norwich on the horizon. As I stepped out of the car I could see a pale misty band across the Northern…

Love on the red cliff

Love on the red cliff

Late February. I’ve been visiting one of the very few seabird colonies in Norfolk. East Anglia is well known for it’s general flatness, so the sheer cliffs required to attract breeding sea birds are very rare. One place however, is Hunstanton, with it’s famous red and white cliffs. The red rocks are actually made of…

Hello 2024

Hello 2024

There’s nothing like a new year and upcoming milestone birthday to put you in a reflective mood. Photography has always been my passion, and by that I mean, puts me in the ‘satisfyingly busy’ freedom of flow state. When watching wildlife and creating images, time passes without a trace. Meditation with a camera. I always…

The Littlest Dragon

The Littlest Dragon

Ok, I admit it. Lizards. My favourite species to photograph. Don’t get me wrong, I love the hares and the barn owls too, but lizards, so full of character, so fascinating in their little macro world. It absorbs me, my attention, I could spend hours watching, yet to me feels like barely a few minutes….

Tales from the Riverbank

Tales from the Riverbank

The thin January light seeps through Winter’s brown stems, warming the muddy tones faintly golden. The cold grips my limbs despite three layers, as I sit frozen to the damp riverbank. A Blackbird whispers his subsong in the cool sunlight, practising for when Spring arrives. The water is high, and the river flows fast, eddies…

Beautiful Bees

Beautiful Bees

The warm June breeze gently stirs the long grass, and shivers softly through the leaves of the apple tree behind me. Peace rests lightly across the lush garden, and a male Blackbird flutes his signature melody into the clear air. He is perched above where I’m sitting, sharing space together as I wait for the…

Masons and Miners

Masons and Miners

Just a quick update from me, Spring is in full swing now here in South Norfolk. Blue tit’s are nesting in the box on the back of the house, and the Hawthorn hedge at the bottom of the garden was in magnificient full bloom until the rains came over the last two days. Every year…

Spring Bluebells

It’s been a few years since I last photographed Bluebells, they are such stunningly beautiful flowers, both en-mass and close up. Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s Wayland Wood is a fantastic place to see them. Spring is my favourite time of year, and Spring in a woodland is simply glorious. The first thing that greets you is…

Staying home

I’m very fortunate to live near some lovely countryside, with two small nature reserves just a few minutes walk away from home. This weekend I decided to explore these instead of heading to the Fen. The closest reserve is an area of heathy common, with short rabbit grazed turf, and prickly gorse bushes. There’s a…