Green-winged Glory

Green-winged Glory

I spent a morning in May at a local meadow, photographing these beautiful native orchids. I often think our native botanical riches are a bit overlooked, but we do have a fascinating selection of species here, and I will definately be trying to explore more in the future. The Green-winged orchid is one of around…

Bempton Cliffs

Bempton Cliffs

I have only ever visited Bempton out of season, when the Gannets still swoop and soar, but not much else is around. Trips to the rugged, windswept cliff tops have caused both sunburn and a soaking on previous occasions. From May the area is a seabird city, with half a million nesting birds. The Gannets…

Fascinating Fritillaries

Fascinating Fritillaries

Hello. I’m blogging again. Well, don’t expect regular updates, but I felt like writing again, and wanted to try and document some of my photo trips this year. I invited my lovely mum to join me for one of my first trips out with the camera, because I hoped this was a sight she would…

Lackford Lakes

Lackford Lakes

It’s been a long time since I picked up my camera, but what better way to start my photography year than with a trip to a fantastic nature reserve in the heart of Suffolk. Lackford Lakes is well know for it’s great wildlife and birdlife and for good photo opportunites too. It was one of…

White Wings

White Wings

Change is part of life. Every new day is an opportunity to begin again. The seasons turn, the tides change, the sun rises and sets. We humans assume we can always remain the same, but we are part of nature, and therefore change is inevitable for us too. Something I have discovered only too painfully….

Tales from the Riverbank

Tales from the Riverbank

The thin January light seeps through Winter’s brown stems, warming the muddy tones faintly golden. The cold grips my limbs despite three layers, as I sit frozen to the damp riverbank. A Blackbird whispers his subsong in the cool sunlight, practising for when Spring arrives. The water is high, and the river flows fast, eddies…

The Sahara Sun and a Sandpiper

The Sahara Sun and a Sandpiper

Covenham Reservoir, Lincolnshire. The wind, not cold, but constant and fiercely blustery swept across the reservoir, pushing the ducks and geese to seek shelter at one end of the rectangluar stretch of water. The light washed the landscape with a weird sickly orange as Storm Ophelia whipped up Saharan dust and wildfire smoke turning the…

Star Trails and Lizard Tails

Star Trails and Lizard Tails

Breckland. At first glance, arid and inhospitable, with hot, dry sandy soil and prickly gorse, but look closer, and you’ll find that one of the driest areas in England is in fact, teeming with life. Tiny specialised plants creep aross the dusty ground, while twisted, spiny gorse shelters nesting birds. The sharpness of the landscape…

Beautiful Bees

Beautiful Bees

The warm June breeze gently stirs the long grass, and shivers softly through the leaves of the apple tree behind me. Peace rests lightly across the lush garden, and a male Blackbird flutes his signature melody into the clear air. He is perched above where I’m sitting, sharing space together as I wait for the…

Masons and Miners

Masons and Miners

Just a quick update from me, Spring is in full swing now here in South Norfolk. Blue tit’s are nesting in the box on the back of the house, and the Hawthorn hedge at the bottom of the garden was in magnificient full bloom until the rains came over the last two days. Every year…